It seems the days I want to cry on my run, when I think I was awful and what the hell am I doing, I do my best time. I was able to run a 5K in 35.5 minutes. Woo Hoo! I figured out an unofficial 5K on the spark people fitness map tracking (you can find the link on my favorite links). I stretched before running - no warm up walk, just started running. I ran for 10 minutes then 2 minute break, no problem. then I ran 5 minutes one minute break, getting tired, I decided to to 4 minute runs 1 minute walks. I couldn't do it. I was horrible. I was ready to cry. I told myself, just get through the 5K and just see, just see. I had to go around one more block and I had 33 minutes on my watch ... oh my, I might be able to do this, I started up running again and I made in very near to 36 minutes. Woo Hoo. Don't give up! It's all mental.
In addition, in my defense for the lack of running. I was running in a sweatshirt in the rain. I think by the end of the run my sweat shirt was 5 lbs heavier.
5K in 35.5 minutes
11.5 minutes to a mile
I ran four miles Sunday. I forgot to mention. I feel as if I don't keep up with this blog, then it is the first sign I'm giving up. so when I run, I try to write. The four miles was with my hubby on a very hilly course. My goal was to run it as before I had not ran further then 2.6 miles. I'm glad I did and for hear on out I'm going to try and run at least 3 miles on my runs possibly 4 or 5 when I get closer to fall.
I can't believe I've made it this far. Sunday is my first 5K. I'll try to take pictures.
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