Sunday, February 21, 2010

Week One - Day Two

It is beautiful out! The sun is shining, the birds are singing and the kids are playing. I got dress in my sweats and went outside. Week One podcast in my ears and away I go. I finished another day. I tracked my mileage on the Spark people Fitness Map and Run Tracker. It looks like I'm still under two miles. I don't think I have the exact mileage because with the snow I had to run around snow hills (yes, even with the warm weather we still have snow), and look for paths in the snow. I'm hoping when the snow clears my mileage will be more accurate and will shoot up.

I also went to Tae Kwon do yesterday. I felt sluggish. I think my medication is taking its toll on me and can't wait to get off it. Monday is the day I finish taking them but alas I read the side effects may last up to a month. I need to work through the rough times if I'm going to go all the way. This is in my half marathon training and aiming for the black belt.

I read somewhere once that exercise can actually boost your immune system. I feel I need to put a disclaimer here that I'm not a doctor and these are my opinions and what works for me. A good rule of thumb, I follow, is if you are exercising and feel good, keep going, if you start getting a headache, stop.

Here is Robert Ullrey's Week One podcast.

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